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Cancel or hold till next year??
AmandaJayne W.
11 мая 2008, 12:16

Hi there,

Just wondering what to do.My Dad is terminally ill and we have basically cancelled our trip so far. But was wondering if it is possible to hold our reservation for next year instead - probably same dates, just next year??? Under what terms??

Otherwise, I will cancel if that is the better option, regretfully. I hope we do make it next year, either way.

Thanks for your help,


Re: Cancel or hold till next year??
Messages: 825
11 мая 2008, 12:52

Dear Amanda,

We are terribly sorry about your Dad, really, and we understand that, in such circumstance, you prefer to cancel or report your tour.

You have basically 2 choices:

a.. You cancel your tour. Because you are at more than 30 days and according to our Terms, the cancellation fees are 30% and so, we refund you 70% of the total paid (US$ 668.00), so a refund of US$ 467.60, directly in your credit card ending by *****0834.

b.. You put your tour in stand-by, until a new date you will decide. It's not a problem but because if you schedule your tour for next year, you will need to pay the probable price difference between our 2008 rates and any possible changes in 2009. This prices generally change every year, at the new season, applying the new rates of the related services like the train, the entrance to Machu Picchu, etc. Of course, we can't know in advance the amount of the increase but it shouldn't be more than 30% of the cancellation fees (US$ 200). It's why I think this choice is the best solution.

So, my advice is to prefer the second choice. Anyway, you can wait until mid-september (to be at more than 30 days) to decide what to do.

Receive our best regards and our sympathy.

Re: Cancel or hold till next year??
AmandaJayne W.
12 мая 2008, 12:52

Thanks Paul,

Will have a think about it and let you know shortly.



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